Video: Modify Bars on your Toolbox

Check out our video that shows how to modify bars on your Toolbox in Milestones Professional 2017. Be sure to check out our other videos as well.

Find those Ghostly Invisible Symbols

Did you know there’s a way to show invisible symbols in Milestones Professional?

You might look at this schedule and think it’s only got a few tasks:

But if you go to the View Tab > Highlight Invisible Symbols, you get a very spooky truth:

Remember, go to the View Tab > Highlight Invisible Symbols to make sure your schedule doesn’t have any ghostly hidden symbols! Happy Halloween!

Upgrade to Milestones Professional 2017

Click here to Upgrade to Milestones Professional 2017 for only $149 (if you already own any version of Milestones Professional).

To see what has changed, check out our “What’s New in Milestones Professional 2017” page.

October 2017 Tips and Tricks

For these and more, view Tips and Tricks for October 2017

Tutorial for using baseline with Milestones Professional
I understand Milestones Professional offers a baseline scheduling feature. I would like to know more about this capability. Please direct me to the appropriate resources.

Suggested symbols and bars for “Birds on a Wire” charts
I like the “Birds on a Wire” charts I have seen made in PowerPoint. I know these are easier in Milestones. Can you give me a clue how to make mine look like this with Milestones (sample made in PowerPoint)?

Filter to remove tasks which are 100% complete from view
I would like to turn on a filter that would remove tasks that are 100% complete from the view. Is this possible?

Trying to find a symbol that is linked to a UID in Microsoft Project
I have a rather large schedule. I am trying to see a report or search for a Unique ID that is linked to my project. Task Unique ID 144 for example. I have a couple hundred symbols linked and I want to find the symbol that 144 is linked to.

Currency symbol
I have a problem with the currency symbol display in a column. We use the Euro, ˆ (symbol). I have correctly set the Control Panel > Regional Options for currency in EURO with the symbol. Milestone does not seems to acknowledge the change and therefore I remain with the $ (US dollar Symbol) on each schedule. Is there a way to overcome the problem?

Turn off collapse/expand indicators
I would like to turn off the red triangles which appear in my first column to the left of the schedule area. How can I do this?Creating vertical connectors in Continuous View

Custom Project Import Templates
None of the import formats in the Project to Milestones wizard does exactly what I need. However, there is one that I have found that is very close. But I find it very time consuming to have to customize it after I import my information. Is there a way to make this process faster?

Task summary bars
Now that my schedule is outlined, I would like to display summary bars. How do I turn these on?

Symbols with same text
I want to have the same text appear for a certain symbol (without having to add text to the symbol after each time I add the symbol to the schedule). How can I do this?

Symbol text too far away from symbol on really wide schedule
I have noticed that my symbol text is very far away from my symbols when I make my schedule an odd size (like 62 wide by 11 tall). Is there any kind of adjustment I can make, or do I need to “fudge it”?

Is it possible to shade a date range on my schedule?

Substitutable Duration Text
Can I show the duration of a horizontal task bar as the text for that bar? Can I add text to it? For Example [duration] working days.

Summary Bar and symbols on the same level
I would like to have the summary bar line up with the rolled up symbols from below.

For these and more, view Tips and Tricks for October 2017

Join the Milestones Professional Users LinkedIn Group

For anyone interested, there’s a free Milestones Professional user group on LinkedIn you can join to share best practices, network with other users, and maybe learn some tips along the way from other experienced Milestones users.

To join, head over to the following website and click Join:

Note: This user group is an unofficial group run by Milestones software users, and is not managed by KIDASA Software, Inc. A free LinkedIn account is required to join the group.